Monday, January 12, 2009


As we've been studying Nehemiah, one thing we can be sure of is that he kept had a good perspective of his surroundings, God's call, even his enemies! Remember at first, he was ignorant to the conditions of the wall, but as soon as he knew what they were, he didn't bellyache. He went straight to God to find out what to do. He gained insight and perspective by going to the One who had all the answers. When he went before the King not only was he equipped to answer the king, but also to ask for the appropriate things he would need for the trip. Can you imagine if he had gone before the king and quoted off a list of unreasonable requests? Yet, he had the right perspective on the rebuilding process and new what God had told him to do. There are countless illustrations of his good perspective, but one last one is how he responded to the nay-sayers. Remember there is no record of him getting angry, cussing anybody out, or a flying fist hitting anyone! He kept focused on working God's plan. He didn't let the negativity of the enemy get to him.

WOW! What a concept! In my own life I struggle with this sometimes. Things are going along great and out of no where something very negative and discouraging comes along and then I have the choice; stay focused on the call of God...or....get bogged down in the pity, discouragement and negativity of the enemy. I'm going to be working hard to stay focused on the call. God wants to use US! His call is the loudest voice we should be hearing! All other voices should be background music in our lives.

Let's encourage each other this week to stay focused on the call God has on us and our city. Be prepared that soon or later there will be people who don't understand or appreciate it, so get your perspective grounded in what God wants you to do so you won't get sidetracked and waste needless energy on the enemy!

Praying for you...have an wonderful week!

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