Haggai 1:5 says: Now, therefore, thus says the Lord of hosts: Consider your ways.
Popular band Switchfoot a few years ago sang: This is your life, are you who you want to be? This is your life, is it everything you dreamed it would be When the world was younger and you had everything to lose?
The song poses a good question. Maybe a better question is, have you aligned what you want to be with all that God wants you to be? Have your desires become HIS desires? If so then you know that you can find true joy in HIM. If not, this is a good time think about what you want to do to change that.
Psalm 144:4 says, Man is like a breath; his days are like a passing shadow.
Don’t allow another year pass by not living the way that God wants you to live, “Consider your ways” (Haggai 1:5), set your priorities, “train yourself for godliness” (1 Tim 4:7). Make this a HAPPY ReNEW YEAR (Rom 12:2) :)
Hello Everyone! I thought I would give you a recap from yesterday and also refer you to some helpful resources that you may or may not be aware of.
First, a book by Don Whitney, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life. The first chapter of this book is much of what I gave you yesterday, a description, PURPOSE, and call to Spiritual disciplines.I believe Mr. Whitney is a great author, but the main thing is that he uses THE BIBLE.If you are not a big reader, you can go to itunes and download the audio version for $9.99.
Also, here is a link to The Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan. We had some of these available in hard copy on Sunday and will have more this week. But if you would like to download and print your own you can do so. If you are going to read the whole Bible in a year as many of us are, please sign up at the WelcomeCenter at GBF or email me and let me know. I’d like to put you on an email list to provide encouragement from time to time.
Romans 12:1-2 – Happy ReNew Year!
The renewing of our minds is a constant process of renewal. One of the ways that we can do this is through Spiritual disciplines. While our holiness ultimately depends on God (John 17:17, Heb 2:11), He has given us a measure of participation through avenues such as the spiritual disciplines.
Spiritual disciplines- personal and corporate disciplines that promote spiritual growth.
Examples of spiritual disciplines: bible reading, prayer, scripture memorization, journaling, corporate worship, fasting, giving, fellowship, solitude, etc.
1Timothy 4:7-8
The purpose or goal of spiritual disciplines is GODLINESS. (Synonymous with Christ-like and holiness)
It is of great importance that we get the purpose because if we don’t they can just become a chore that we face and over time resent.
Jesus is our ultimate model for spiritual discipline, praying, fasting, quoting scripture when tempted. He was disciplined to pray and seek God, even when he was facing the cross: Matthew 26: 42 Again, for the second time, he went away and prayed, “My Father, if this cannot pass unless I drink it, your will be done.”
Jesus, modeled the ultimate discipline of himself for godliness
Spiritual disciplines have been described as HIGHWAY to the oceans of God, or putting yourself in the PATH of God, a CHANNEL through which his grace flows, or a GREENHOUSE, where all of the elements are just right for growth.
Freedom can be found in the spiritual disciplines when we find that we are blessed by what we are bound to. If our goal is to be Christ-like and spiritual disciplines are a means by which we can achieve that, then we love them and embrace them. See Jesus words in Matthew 11:28-29
The Texoma Blood Drive Bloodmobile will be at The Dollar General Store in Gunter for a blood drive To Benefit Ian Johnson on Wednesday, December 23 from 11am to 3:30pm
Christmas Eve, Candle Light Service and Communion, 6pm Please join us at Grace Bible Fellowship as we come together to sing praises and take Communion, all in remembrance and celebration of King Jesus. Nursery (24 months and under) will be provided.
Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you. Psalm 63:3
This verse has been on my mind for nearly a week now! The psalmist is giving his reason for praise to God. Which he says is God’s “steadfast love”. That makes sense right, we praise God because he loves us so much. Because of all that he has done for us. We praise him because he has given us so much, for how great our life is, for good food, good health, a home, a family…BUT WAIT. What did the psalmist say that his love was “better than”? He said that his love was better than “life”. So His love is better than all of the things that we might normally praise him for. His steadfast love is better than…my house…food…comfort…my health…my family...HIS STEADFAST LOVE is BETTER than all of that, better than LIFE!
Psalm 73:25-26 Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Lamentations 3:24 “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.”
These verses remind me of the frailty of life and the value of God, and how easily everything around me can be gone so quickly. But the steadfast love of God never changes. No disaster, no tragedy, no illness, no poverty, nothing can take away the steadfast love of God. He IS worthy of our praise! Psalm 63:3 is right on!
Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you. Psalm 63:3
“Life is dear, but God's love is dearer. To dwell with God is better than life at its best; life at ease, in a palace, in health, in honour, in wealth, in pleasure; yea, a thousand lives are not equal to the eternal life which abides in Jehovah's smile.” – Charles Spurgeon
Since the time of ordination in October, the elder team at Grace Bible Fellowship has been actively pursuing their responsibilities to LEAD, FEED and PROTECT the body of believers at Grace Bible Fellowship.(1Peter 5:1-3) We have begun the elder enrichment process led by Mr. John Jonas of Broken Heart Ministries. During this process Mr. Jonas is instructing the elders how to effectively minister to the believers in our body. Mr. Jonas is providing a solid Biblical foundation on which our elders can grow and mature as effective leaders in the church.
In addition, the elder team has been reviewing the 2009 church budget and has been praying over the 2010 budget. We are seeking God's counsel on how to best utilize the resources he has provided for ministry. In addition, we are asking the Holy Spirit to convict our members to search their hearts and ask God for guidance in their lives in the realm of stewardship and financial support of the church. We are asking our members to adhere to the Biblical guidelines surrounding stewardship, and eagerly await witnessing the blessings on their lives that will flow to them as a result of their obedience. (Proverbs 28:20)
Finally, we are working on solidifying the vision for Grace Bible Fellowship. What does God want GBF to be in the Gunter community? How can we be salt and light to both OUR members, and the people in our community who do not know Jesus?(Matthew 5:13-16) As part of this vision, we are seeking God's wisdom on how to best utilize the second hour of our Sunday morning time. We are firmly committed to discipling our members in the Word of God. We are seeking ways to help our members become fully literate, knowledgeable believers who will be able to take the Word of God, understand it, and use it to impact others around them. (2 Timothy 2:15)
We continue to covet your prayers of support and encouragement. We will be the first to admit that we do not know all of the answers.....but God does. We ask that he reveals his will to us and that we remain steadfastly obedient to fulfilling his will in our lives. To Him be the glory.
Watoto FREE Concert This Wednesday Evening! Since 1994 Watoto Children’s Choirs have toured internationally spreading a message of hope for Africa’s children. The choir represents Watoto’s vision and mission through their music and dance. The children are among the 1.8 million boys and girls in Uganda who have had the tragic experience of losing one or both of their parents to AIDS or war. The purpose of Watoto is to provide spiritual, physical, educational and emotional care for every child so that each one will become a responsible Christian and productive citizen of Uganda.
Join us Wednesday night at 6:30pm for an inspiring performance by the Watoto Children’s Choir. The concert will prove to be colorful and lively demonstration of the life-changing love of God experienced by the children of Watoto.
The concert is free. A love offering will be collected.
Sundays 9:30am: Childcare during Worship Hour for infant-Kindergarten
Sunday EKG Hour 10:30am: SONKIDS for PreK-3rd Grade and IMPACT for 4th-6th grade
Wednesday Programs run from 6:30-7:45pm
TeamKID: PreK-4th grade
Impact/Area 56: 5th and 6th grade