Haggai 1:5 says:
Now, therefore, thus says the Lord of hosts: Consider your ways.
Popular band Switchfoot a few years ago sang:
This is your life, are you who you want to be?
This is your life, is it everything you dreamed it would be
When the world was younger and you had everything to lose?
The song poses a good question. Maybe a better question is, have you aligned what you want to be with all that God wants you to be? Have your desires become HIS desires? If so then you know that you can find true joy in HIM. If not, this is a good time think about what you want to do to change that.
Psalm 144:4 says,
Man is like a breath; his days are like a passing shadow.
Don’t allow another year pass by not living the way that God wants you to live, “Consider your ways” (Haggai 1:5), set your priorities, “train yourself for godliness” (1 Tim 4:7). Make this a HAPPY ReNEW YEAR (Rom 12:2)
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