Good news GBF!!! We broke the 100 biscuit barrier in our brunch yesterday! You know we try not to be all about numbers, but the fact that we consumed 100 + biscuits yesterday, along who knows how many other brunch items, WOW that’s significant! I wonder how many gallons of gravy we put away? : )
Also, we had to say goodbye (see you later) to the Scales yesterday, sniff...sniff…We hate to see the them go : ( so thankful for them and their time here with us at Grace Bible Fellowship. WE LOVE YOU CHARLOTTE, JONATHAN, HELEN, DOROTHY, AND CLARA!!! WE'LL MISS YOU!!!
Here are some message notes from yesterday:
In leading up to Communion, we looked at 3 different types of eating in the Scriptures:
1. Eating without God – Adam and Eve in the garden, Gen. 3:6-7 “The Fall”
· See also 1 John 2:16
· Romans 5:12
· “…through eating the fruit their eyes would be opened to know good and evil was true, but what Satan did not reveal was that they would have the power to know good and evil without the power to do the good” -Lewis Sperry Chafer
· Ephesians 2:3
· “The doctrine of depravity has to do, not with man’s estimation of man, bit rather with God’s estimation of man…When we measure men by man, we can always find someone who is lower than we are on the moral or ethical scale, and the comparison gives us a feeling of self-satisfaction. But the Scriptures do not measure men by man; they measure men by God who has created them. The creature is measured by the Creator and is found to be wanting.” -J. Dwight Pentecost
2. Eating because of God – God led his people out of
· Exodus 12:1-14
· This of course looks forward to Christ in the New Testament…1 Corinthians 5:7 Cleanse out the old leaven that you may be a new lump, as you really are unleavened. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed
3. Eating with God – The Last Supper or The Last Passover…
· Matthew 26:26-28
o “This is my body…my blood”-Jesus
· 1 Corinthians 11:23-29
o Vs. 24“Do this in remembrance…”
o Vs. 28 “Let a person examine himself, then, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup”
Praise God for Communion, AMEN!!!???
What a privilege it is to remember our God’s provision for us through the work of His Son, to examine our lives in relation to Him, and express our sharing in Christ Jesus our
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