Our life as Christians is to be a life that follows the example of Jesus to SERVE.
The church can many times be approached as a cruise ship, where all of our desires are fulfilled. But we ought to be more like a BATTLESHIP, where we all have a role to fill. (See Romans 12:5-6 and 1 Peter 4:10)
Some time this week, go back and look at Philippians 2:1-8, and really let that text soak in. Jesus is the ultimate servant, looking to the interest of us in obedience to the Father. Our life should be one of obedience to serve others as well and as Philippians 2 tells us, it's about having HIS mind, (the mind of CHRIST) seeking his attitude, not our own, and not the self seeking attitude of this world. Having a servant's heart takes a NEW PERSPECTIVE. One that says: Praise God for the opportunity to SERVE!!
See also, Matt 20:20-28 and Jesus' example of serving in 20:29-33.
Don't forget, it all comes down to "basin theology" : )
Have great week in the Lord Grace Bible Battleship family! We'll see you Sunday, if not before.
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