•Mega Sports Camp: The Children's Ministry will be hosting a Sports Camp on June 28-July 2 from 5pm-8:30pm. Details will soon be posted!
•Camp KIDJAM- If you have not paid your May payments please be sure to see Mandy Turner today. **Tracks selections, T-shirt sizes, and birthdates need to be specified to Mandy, as well.
•TeamKID and IMPACT: TeamKID and IMPACT concluded their program for the 2009-2010 year on Wednesday. TeamKID and IMPACT will resume in the Fall of 2010.
•MEN’S MONTHLY BIBLE STUDY: The next study will be on May 18th @ 107 East Main (Roy’s house) from 7pm-8pm.
•GBF 101/BAPTISM/COMMUNION: Please sign up at the Welcome Center (Kiosk) as our next class and baptism is scheduled for May 30th.
•MAY 29-30: We will be joined by several of our friends from the Navajo reservation: Pastor Wesley Castillo, his family and several congregates from Pine Hill Church in New Mexico will be HERE to worship with US! More details to come...
•YOUTH MISSION TRIP– The Satellite Students will travel to the Reservation in New Mexico on June 19-26. Contact Casey Layman for more info: clayman@shermanisd.net
•PRAYER FOR STUDENT MINISTER: Please pray for God’s leading towards filling our open student minister position and for our great group of volunteer leaders in the interim.
•LIFELINE GROUP LEADERS NEEDED: Are you a member of GBF who is not a perfect person but a REAL person, not a Bible expert but someone who LOVES God's people? Interested in leading a small group that meets in a home for the purpose of authentic community and spiritual growth? We want to hear from YOU!!! Contact Roy for more info: roy@thegbf.com Lifeline Groups: Love one another... -Jesus (John 13:34)
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