Saturday, May 15, 2010

Announcements and Activities, Sunday 05-16-2010

•Camp KIDJAM- If you have not paid your May payments please be sure to see Mandy Turner today. **Tracks selections, T-shirt sizes, and birthdates need to be specified to Mandy, as well.

•MEN’S MONTHLY BIBLE STUDY: The next study will be on May 18th @ 107 East Main (Roy’s house) from 7pm-8pm.

•SENIOR SUNDAY: GBF will recognize the graduating 2010 senior students on May 23rd.

•BAPTISM/COMMUNION: Please sign up at the Welcome Center (Kiosk) for baptism it is scheduled for May 30th.

•MAY 29-30: We will be joined by several of our friends from the Navajo reservation: Pastor Wesley Castillo, his family and several congregates from Pine Hill Church in New Mexico will be HERE to worship with US! More details to come…

•YOUTH MISSION TRIP: If you are interested in donating to this fund, please come prepared to give on June 6th, as we will take up a special offering at that time!

•WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY: The women’s ministry will be hosting a Bible study over “The Covenants”. The initial meeting will be Tuesday June 8th. The following meeting will be Thursday, June 17th, it will be every Thursday, from 6:30-8:30pm. The study will be held at Casey Layman’s house (107 East Main). This study will last for 8 weeks. For more information regarding this study, please contact Tinna Hood @ 903.815.4055.

•CHILDREN’S MINISTRY MEETING: June 19th, 6:30-7:45pm @ the GBF sanctuary! Kids welcome to play outside.

•Mega Sports Camp: The Children's Ministry will be hosting a Sports Camp on June 28-July 2 from 5pm-8:30pm. Details will soon be posted!

•YOUTH MISSION TRIP– The Satellite Students will travel to the Reservation in New Mexico on June 19-26. Contact Casey Layman for more info:

•PRAYER FOR STUDENT MINISTER: Please pray for God’s leading towards filling our open student minister position and for our great group of volunteer leaders in the interim.

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