•OFFICE CLOSED: In honor of Independence Day, the office will be closed Monday, July 5th.
•EMAIL ADDRESS: If you know that you have changed your email address in the last 6 months please email the church secretary @ gbfsecretary@gmail.com. THANK YOU.
•MEGA SPORTS CAMP- A BIG THANK YOU to all the volunteers that helped out to make Mega Sports Camp great! It was an amazing week of fun while learning about our awesome God! And each of you played a HUGE role in making it a success!
•For those who loaned GBF items or sports related materials, you may pick your items up in the BIG KID room, located on the north hall (last room). Thank you for sharing these things with us this week!
•CAMP KIDJAM: Please be sure to see Mandy Turner today if you haven’t paid the remaining balance for your child/children. A mandatory meeting will held on July 11, 2010 for both leaders and campers. Leaders’ meeting will be at 5pm and the campers’ meeting will be at 6pm.
•WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY: The start date is NOW July 8th, it will be every Thursday, from 6:30 - 8:30pm. The Bible study over “The Covenants”. It will be held at Amy Crelia’s house (235 Green meadow). You may pick “The Covenants” book up at Lifeway.
•MEN’S MONTHLY BIBLE STUDY: The next study will be July 20th @ 107 East Main (Roy’s house) from 7-8pm.
•DESPARATE FOR JESUS: Will be held July 23rd-24th at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Church if you are interested in attending go online and get your tickets at www.ocbfchurch.org, if unable onsite registration starts at 4:30pm July 23rd.
•PRAYER FOR STUDENT MINISTER: Please pray for God’s leading towards filling our open student minister position and for our great group of volunteer leaders in the interim.
•Web site: www.thegbf.com or join us on Facebook! Search Grace Bible Fellowship –Gunter TX!!!
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