•YOUTH MISSION TRIP: Please pray for the students serving on the mission trip. Pray that they would display God’s glory to the Navajo students, be unified as a group, and return home safely.
•YOUTH WANTED: To help with the Mega Sports Camp, the week of June 28th– July 2nd. 5-8:30pm. Please contact Mandy Turner @ 903.818.7722 or mandy@thegbf.com and let her know when you are available to help. If you can only work a day or two that’s great just let her know when you are available.
•MEGA SPORTS CAMP REGISTRATION AND VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers are needed and wanted. A list of "types" of volunteers is on the children's table. **On June 28, from 4:30-5:45pm, all youth and adult volunteers will have an orientation-type meeting to prepare for the week's event! On that same night, we will have an OPEN YARD PARTY for our entire church and community from 6:00-8:00pm. Neighborhood children can register at this time. We will also have bounce houses, playground games, and treats for everyone! Mega Sports Camp will resume June 29th-July 2nd from 5:00-8:30pm!
•CAMP KIDJAM: All campers payments were due June 6th!!!! Please be sure to see Mandy Turner today if you haven’t paid the remaining balance for your child/children. A mandatory meeting will held on July 11, 2010 for both leaders and campers. Leaders’ meeting will be at 5pm and the campers’ meeting will be at 6pm.
•WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY: The start date is NOW July 8th, it will be every Thursday, from 6:30 - 8:30pm. The Bible study over “The Covenants”. It will be held at Casey Layman’s house (107 East Main).
•MEN’S MONTHLY BIBLE STUDY: The next study will be July 20th @ 107 East Main (Roy’s house) from 7-8pm.
•DESPARATE FOR JESUS: Will be held July 23rd-24th at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Church if you are interested in attending go online and get your tickets at www.ocbfchurch.org, if unable onsite registration starts at 4:30pm July 23rd.
•PRAYER FOR STUDENT MINISTER: Please pray for God’s leading towards filling our open student minister position and for our great group of volunteer leaders in the interim.
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