Saturday, June 5, 2010

Announcements and Activities, Sunday 06-06-2010

•YOUTH MISSION TRIP: If you are interested in donating to this fund, please come prepared to give, as we will take up a special offering today! Thank you for all your support!!

•GBF FAMILY ADVENTURE NIGHT: Pack your sunscreen and OFF because we are inviting everyone to come be a part of our 1st Annual Adventure Camp. It will be June 13, from 4-9pm in Anna, TX. You must sign up to go. Sign up sheets are at the Welcome Center and at the children’s table. More details on sign up sheets.

•MEN’S MONTHLY BIBLE STUDY: The next study will be June 15th @ 107 East Main (Roy’s house) from 7-8pm.

•YOUTH MISSION TRIP– The Satellite Students will travel to the Reservation in New Mexico on June 19-26. Contact Casey Layman for more info:

•MEGA SPORTS CAMP: The Children's Ministry will be hosting a Sports Camp on June 28-July 2 from 5pm-8:30pm. Details will soon be posted!

•WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY: Due to many awesome things going on @ GBF. We have changed the date of the women’s Bible study. The start date is NOW July 8th, it will be every Thursday, from 6:30 - 8:30pm. The Bible study over “The Covenants”. It will be held at Casey Layman’s house (107 East Main).

•DESPARATE FOR JESUS: Will be held July 23rd-24th at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Church if you are interested in attending go online and get your tickets at, if unable onsite registration starts at 4:30pm July 23rd.

•PRAYER FOR STUDENT MINISTER: Please pray for God’s leading towards filling our open student minister position and for our great group of volunteer leaders in the interim.

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