What a great time last weekend with the folks from the Navajo reservation last weekend hu?
Many of you have been inquiring about when you can see them again and how you can help them further.
First, know that we will be taking up a special youth missions offering this Sunday at GBF that will go towards helping students GO to SERVE on an upcoming MISSION TRIP to the reservation. This is the ONLY fund raiser that the youth will do this year and is a BIG help to the over all student ministry to have assistance for the trip. Please seek the Lord and see if he would have you give.
Second, we’ll be collecting items to deliver to homes as care packages while we are on the trip in an effort to reach people with the Gospel and at the same time meet physical needs. Items that we need include: canned meats of all kinds, and toiletry items like toothpaste, toothbrush, toilet paper, lotion, soap, shampoo, hand sanitizer, baby wipes and band aids. You can bring these items to church (GBF) with you and leave them on a table located in the greeting area under the SERVE banner, or drop them off at the church office (M-Thrs 9am-2pm).
Third, we’ll be looking for prayer partners for those going on the NM youth mission trip. These are people who commit to daily prayer for a student and/or leader and writing an encouragement card to give them when they return. We will give you a bracelet to remind you to pray for your student and/or leader each day.
If you need more info on any of these ways to help please contact THE Lara Martin @
laralmartin@yahoo.com, 903.815.0562 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 903.815.0562 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Finally, you should know that Wesley and the Navajo group will be coming back to our area next week. They will be staying with us, in the host homes they did last weekend and will be speaking and sharing at FBC Howe at 6:30 on Wednesday June 9th. I have spoken with the pastor at FBC HOWE and he has assured me that EVERYONE is welcome. So if you’d like, make plans to hear from the Navajos again at FBC Howe, (100 E. Davis Howe, TX 75459).
Love y’all. Have a great rest of the week!
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